表妹去年就上大學了,本來今天完了都要上大二了,可是不知道怎麽回事,表妹又說是自己想去留學澳洲了,可是他們家人卻不同意,說是讓表妹一個人去留學澳洲他們家人都還不放心呢,可是表妹卻又說是自己其實從去年都想去留學澳洲了,可是那會她就考慮到了父母的原因沒有去。可是一年過去了她自己還是想去留學澳洲,所以就把這個想法告訴了他的爸媽,希望她爸媽能同意。其實聽了表妹 這麽的一說,我還是非常 的支持表妹的想法的。具我了解去留學澳洲還是不錯的。
Food Recipes
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Home from work yesterday, I want to take their children to the mother there to have a look, have a good long time did not go back. In the class, I took the children to the. As soon as he entered the house to see my brother’s children sit in front of the computer to see Gundam, so my children do in front of the computer to follow him to see gundam. My daughter is at home, so he gave him the little brother began to explain, after all, older children, his understanding ability is strong. See her daughter like a grown man said, finger painting, I told my mother can be overcome by one’s feelings smile. My daughter can give children younger than he to speak Gundam. I usually do not pay enough attention to him! Have not found. Then I would applaud, encourage him to speak.
Since graduation, he always wanted to have my own photography shop, but after graduation to find work to earn wages are not many, up to now have not save much money, but this time to photography shop idea is more and more strong, just have a friend said she also want to open it, that is me and opened a photography shop, I saw your deposit is not enough, just like the first go to the Loan, had a classmate at the time seemed because some urgent business at home needed money, he went to Loan, remember him that time is put on the same day Loan got, I think I’ll get the money, go directly to Loan, then slowly installment