老板让我去台北出差,因为是临时决定的,时间很紧,连酒店都没有来得及订。我想第一次去也是人生地不熟的,下了飞机就在机场附近找一家酒店算了,这样也方便了。我下了飞机之后就找到一家台北松山机场 酒店,刚好他们家还有房间,运气还是不错的,而且他们家的环境特别好,非常适合我们这样的商务人士。本来我对台北松山机场 酒店不报什么希望,现在觉得真的是很不错。这边交通也还比较方便,而且房间的隔音效果也是很好的。以后出差的话就不用愁了,就选台北松山机场 酒店。
看著老公一天天的這么累,我都有些心疼了,自從老公自主創業以來就一直忙的沒日沒夜的,工作著,有時候看著他那么的辛苦的真的也想付出為他分擔一些的,可是我對生意方面的事情根本就是一竅不通的,所以我也幫不上什麽的。這段時間我聽老公說生意上面有了一些起色了,想把規模擴大一些的,可是要是擴大規模 的話也不是一件容易的事情,現在我們資金上面也不足,要中擴大規模只能找貸款了,前段時間也聽老公說起去貸款的事情的。可是具體是什麽樣我現在也不是特別的清楚的。
Cousin said she would go to the Singapore side development, she has a university graduation after the students had been in Singapore, now there has been a company of my own, cousin said she wanted to hold the place to find good over there, to go to work, to listen to her classmate say finding a house place in Singapore then go to Sumitomo, Sumitomo accommodation what can find satisfactory house, cousin said she had consulted, and have been let in for her to find a place to live, her classmates for her is looking for a job, and had to go for an interview, if she had to go to Singapore, will go to her classmates for a few days, the house for good after the move past
half case
I want to give the new mobile phone children with a half case, because my child is relatively small, but the school regulations, students must each is equipped with a simple function of the mobile phone, for parents and teachers to find the child, I think this is very good, so give me my daughter bought a mobile phone, but it was her own no pockets, not good to carry, so I went on the Internet to her mobile phone to buy a half case, but also can be hung on the neck, this also is not afraid of her lost her mobile phone, but could not find her. My daughter was very happy now, because it’s like me to buy cartoon half case. Back to the other students to show off to school..
financial planning
Financial planning if I learn there have been financial foundation, more convenient. So I decided to learn financial planning, then find a job, is now better than staying at home, of course, I this is because just resigned from a company, so far not found a suitable job, so we have to study at home on financial planning’s idea, then after all I enhance strength looking for a job, it is much more convenient. Fortunately, my wife is very supportive of me, because I find that now many people will make money, not financial management, including the company also is such, so I learn, go to the financial company or insurance company to do financial planning master’s plans, after all, Financial Planning Division also is very short!
台湾 凤梨酥
妈妈打来电话说是她想吃台湾 凤梨酥了,让我下班回去的时候给她在超市里面买一些台湾 凤梨酥带回去,我说好的,记得小时候妈妈经常给我和姐姐买台湾 凤梨酥,我和姐姐第一次吃台湾 凤梨酥的时候,还是隔壁的一个阿姨给妈妈的,说是家里有小孩子,让带给我们俩呢,妈妈带回来就叫我们俩说是有好吃的呢,那会感觉非常好吃,后来我们两就经常向妈妈要呢,妈妈每天事情那么多,想想那会真是不懂事,现在妈妈说她想吃,下班再晚我也要给妈妈带回去