Recently the weather is very good, we go and play, chat with my colleagues when I heard he was all right last week to play place, I also took a look at her photos really good feeling, attracted me most is that they live in the hotel is quite good, is called a Taipei hotel near MRT, listen to the colleagues say she is a friend introduced her to the Taipei hotel near the MRT hotel, before his friend play everywhere, it is to live this, very comfortable, the environment, very clean, really feel good, after she lives is the feeling is very good, recommended by the Taipei hotel near the MRT is very good, she also recommended I live in Taipei hotel near the MRT this, quite good, we will go to play here, live in the hotel.
super robot chogokin
前幾天,朋友的小孩說要從老家那里過來這邊,我給朋友說他過來你給我說一下,我們一起帶他出去玩玩,讓他先試應下這邊。今天她給我打電話了,讓我們一起陪他玩走,我說好的,收拾好后我就出去過去找你們。我們在一起逛的時候他看到super robot chogokin,我剛好也想給他買個禮物,正好他喜歡這個我就給他買了super robot chogokin,他非常開心,給我說謝謝阿姨你真好。看到他那麼喜歡我又給他買個幾個玩具,這下把他高興的活蹦亂跳的。我朋友你給他少買點,他家里的玩具特別多,現在都不喜歡了。