



CCTV Condo

Rest to aunt’s house this week, work in CCTV’s aunt’s daughter, she wants to stay in their CCTV Condo, so near her work or something special, can also be colleagues are good relations with them, she just went to also is not very understand about everything. Aunt let her go to, so don’t rush to go to work every day, and have the time she will go to see a cousin. After all, work is also very important, under the help of colleagues, can improve myself better. Heard their CCTV Condo is very good, and everything in it, put it on their own things, cousin also said that I have the time she took me to their CCTV Condo look, nothing can look for her to play later, she took me to visit.

海外 房地產 投資

最近大家也都是非常的看好海外 房地產 投資呢,我也感覺這個海外 房地產 投資非常的不錯呢。我和我的閨蜜商量著一起去看房子呢。早上我早早的就起床了把自己打扮了一下,我的閨蜜是一個很有計畫的人呢,她已經把路線看好了呢,我的閨蜜說邊旅遊邊看房,真的太好了,聽我的閨蜜說的話我也感覺心裏面很舒服呢。真的太好了,可以和我的閨蜜一起玩一起看房子去了,我的閨蜜其實把房子早就看好了,是在網上看的呢,今天去了實地考察去了,和網上說的一樣的好呢。



Recruitment consulting

The recent problems I very worry about my own work, because there is no work, has been living sometimes need to elder sister to me, always striving to improve my this period of time is very unhappy. A friend suggested that I went to see his friend, said his friend was doing Recruitment consulting, where can find a good job, I immediately went to my friend’s doing Recruitment consulting friends, he greeted me very enthusiastic, I also found through his help I like sales work, heard the sales job is to make money, I think I must through their own efforts to buy a house of his own, let elder sister to live with me, because so many years is a sister take care of my life.

泰國 不動產

朋友到我家里來接我的時候我就看到朋友開了一輛新車呢,我就問朋友買新車了嗎?朋友就告訴我說是她前天剛提的車呢,問我怎麼樣呢,我就告訴朋友真是太漂亮了呢,這個新車特別符合她的氣質呢,朋友聽了我講的事情就說她也挺喜歡的呢。后來我就問朋友她哪里來的那麼多的錢買的車呢,朋友就告訴我說是她前段時間投資了泰國 不動產賺了很多呢,所以就買了車呢。聽了朋友講的事情我就說看來她投資的泰國 不動產是賺了很多呢,朋友聽到我那樣講就說我現在投資時機也挺好的呢。

intelligent access control security solutions

The company had a new project is most to our customers to make a good plan, the manager also repeatedly emphasized that the intelligent access control security solutions, the project is very important, the customer’s requirements are more strict, so it is better to treat intelligent access control security solutions, the project, than before more focused, play our abilities, it is able to win, so this time we will hard point out good state, to complete the intelligent access control security solutions, after passed, will consider to paid leave, we hear the manager say so, the first kind of nervous feeling, everyone really harder than usual to do, by very smoothly through the hard, really gave a sigh of relief.

沖繩 酒店

今天是我的姐姐結婚的日子呢,我也是非常的開心呢,姐姐今天一大早就起來梳妝打扮了呢,姐姐穿的婚紗也是非常的好看呢,我的也是非常的喜歡呢,姐姐今天真的太漂亮了,婚禮舉辦就在沖繩 酒店,早就聽說這個沖繩 酒店非常的不錯了,今天見了,確實和朋友們說的一樣呢,這個沖繩 酒店裏面非常的寬敞呢,可以容納好多的人呢,我很喜歡裏面的裝修風格呢,好漂亮的沖繩 酒店啊,沒多久這個婚禮就開心了,看著姐姐幸福的樣子,我也是很高興呢。沖繩 酒店裏的飯菜也是非常的好吃呢。

