
好多年過去了,我的新頭髮一直沒有長出來,所以這也成為了我的心頭大病,於是我就想通過各種辦法只要能夠讓我的頭髮長出來,這可比什麼都重要呢,而我自己也試了很多種辦法,可就是沒有效果啊!後來就有人 給我推薦植髮,說是只要我採取了植髮這種手段之後,我的頭髮就會很快長出來,而且再也不會那麼輕易的脫落了,我很開心,於是就趕緊聯繫可以做植髮的醫院,我要盡快給我自己做植髮呢,這樣我才能夠讓我自己變得自信一點,美麗一點。


記得我十歲那年問我媽媽,我的名字是誰給我起的,怎麼那麼難聽呢,當時我媽媽就笑著 說是我的名字很有來意,所以讓我不要抱怨,而且我的這個名字可是專門請嬰兒命名的人給我起的名字呢,我當時還是不能理解,我媽媽所說的,可是等我長大了之後,我自己也認識了更多的字,我也有了 一本厚厚的字典,這我才明白我名字的含義,確實就想我媽說的那樣,所以我也應該感謝這位願意給我嬰兒命名的老人家呢, 讓我擁有了這麼一個好聽的名字呢。

Taipei four star

Brother’s wedding was held in Taipei four star, I am very happy, because if he wedding at this hotel, I can see the early future sister-in-law I do, because I was in Taipei four star next to the company to go to work, and I live in a dorm company to arrange the inside, so if I go to Taipei four star to attend their wedding, it also will be very convenient, and say I it had my future sister-in-law of it, so I think if I can see a face before the wedding with his words, when we were at the wedding will not be too embarrassed, I think quite good, so I early to the wedding of my brother Taipei four star, I think I must today You can see my beautiful sister-in-law appeared yet.



where to stay in Taipei

Obviously it has been said a good place to stay, but my friends do not want to go, so now we are still where to stay in Taipei to worry about it, in fact, say it is my fault, but obviously times have been more anxiousWe have not decided on where to stay in Taipei problems. Later, casually looking for a hotel, no wonder my friends do not like it. Fortunately, however, now find the words also, my friends and I talk a bit, finally found a good hotel, and I can feel him, but this hotel is also not far from the airport, so I think live in this hotel on it.

台北 太陽餅

我比較喜歡的就是台北 太陽餅了,所以給自己買了一份嘗一嘗,這家網店是我最近才發現的,他們家賣的台北 太陽餅真的沒話說,我想以後就在他們店買台北 太陽餅了。今天我的朋友來我家做客,他也很喜歡這個台北 太陽餅呢,我就送了他一些,如果他還想要的話,我可以幫他買,或者直接把網址發給他也行,反正現在在網上買東西的話,真的是很方便的,而且這家店的台北 太陽餅真的不能錯過,尤其是喜歡吃點心的人,一定要嘗一嘗。







noni juice

Near our house opened a noni juice shop, and now business is very popular, there are a lot of people every day. I’m kinda curious, because we never drink noni juice, I do not know what flavor, so today went to try it, I feel really very good. noni juice has a very distinctive taste, it really is not know, but really good drink. I think I should be the future of the regulars noni juice, no wonder so many people their home, or because there are so many people will drink. Always feel after drinking noni juice there is a very happy feeling, noni juice is really a very magic of it, or heard on the body good stuff.